From the Office of Nurse Allen

I would like to welcome the new and returning students to The Varnett Public School.

We value relationships with our parents and students. This 2010-11 school year promises to be fulfilling. With the new school term, we should commit to being healthier and fitter by incorporating more exercise into our daily habits and increasing the number of fruit and vegetables in our diet. It should be emphasized that children should get eight hours' sleep.

It also is imperative that students be current on their immunizations as they start the year.

Meanwhile, Pinewood Screening will return to Varnett Sept. 13-17 for our annual hearing and vision screening of our students in kindergarten, first, third and fifth grades.

I can be reached at 713-723-4699, ext. 16, if you have questions or concerns.

Thank you very much.
Nurse Karen Allen

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