Technology night and attendance matters

Technology Night
Save the date: January 23, 2018 at 5 p.m.

Family Technology Night is a night of technology and fun. Parents will receive technology
resources, and door prizes will be given away. Our focus will be on home access to district curriculum, including Rosetta Stone, Reasoning Minds, and Core Clicks. In addition, parents will learn how to log on and see their children's grades.
Attendance Matters: Please send your child to school each day. Our goal for attendance is 98 percent. To achieve this goal, we need your help. If students do not come to school they miss out on valuable instruction. Students will be eligible for a perfect attendance field trip every six weeks. Our next field trip is Jan. 17, 2018 and students will be going roller skating.
Ms. Toni Fisher
Campus Director, The Varnett School Northeast