School-Teacher-Parent-Student Compact

SCHOOL: The Varnett Public School’s mission is to provide all students with skills necessary to be academically and socially successful at every level. Therefore, all students will become productive members of society. Our mission shall be accomplished by providing high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enables all children to meet Texas student performance standards.

TEACHER: The teacher shall be responsible for sending frequent reports to parents concerning their child’s progress, and offering reasonable opportunities for parents to volunteer, observe classroom activities and participate in conferences.

PARENT: The parent shall be responsible for monitoring their child’s attendance, homework assignments and television watching. They shall attend teacher/parent conferences, parent meetings and be supportive and involved in their child’s education.

STUDENT: The student shall be responsible for doing his or her best work, completing homework assignments and attending school daily. Students shall ask their parents and teachers for help when needed.